Bryan Barnes, 20, and Javier Bolden, 19, could face the death penalty after being indicted on capital murder charges over the killings of engineering students Ming Qu and Ying Wu, both 23. 如果20岁的布赖恩巴恩斯和19岁的哈维尔博尔登杀害两名23岁工程系学生瞿铭和吴颖的蓄意谋杀指控成立,两人将会面临死刑。
This is partly a result of a shrunken risk appetite across banking. It is also thanks to tougher capital charges on such assets, imposed by global regulators. 这在一定程度上是整个银行业风险偏好下降的结果,同时也缘于全球监管机构收紧了对此类资产的资本要求。
The actual ratio required may even be higher than the basic range of 16%-20% range, as the plan allows national regulators to add on further capital charges if they deem it necessary. 同时,实际比例可能会更高,因为按照这个方案,如果各国监管部门认为有必要,还可以进一步提高对银行的资本支出要求。
In the new world of higher capital charges, central clearing, exchange-traded futures and a crackdown on anything that smacks of big banks colluding, things are tougher. 在资本成本上升、实行中央结算方式、相关期货在交易所交易,以及遏制一切有大银行勾结嫌疑操作的新世界,形势变得更加艰难。
For the lenders, property is attractive in part because it attracts lower capital charges than most other assets. 对于放贷方而言,房地产具有吸引力的部分原因在于:与其他大部分资产相比,房地产吸引的资本费用较低。
Instead, the risk weights and thus capital charges are determined through the combination of quantitative inputs provided by banks and formulas specified by the Committee. 相反,风险权重及资本要求的确定要同时考虑银行提供的数量指标和委员会确定的一些公式。
Where the capital charges is the minimum acceptable rate of return. Specify, for example, requirement for a minimum level of experience in manufacturing a similar type of goods for which the Invitation for Bids is issued. 这里的资金成本是指最低必要的投资报酬率。规定制造本招标邀请书所要求提供的类似货物的最低的经验要求。
Regulators counter that banks can reduce the sharply higher capital charges by doing more detailed risk assessments or by cutting back on trading. 监管部门反驳道,银行可以通过更细致的风险评估或减少交易,来降低大幅提升的资本金要求。
SME lending, which attracts higher regulatory capital charges, is especially sensitive in Europe, where most employment is by smaller businesses. 须满足更高监管资本要求的中小企业贷款,在欧洲尤为敏感,因为这些企业为欧洲提供了绝大多数的就业岗位。
One banker described the combined effect of the risk-weighting rules and the higher capital charges as a "hockey stick" that sharply penalises efforts to restart the securitisation market. 一名银行家将为风险加权规定和提高资本金要求的双重影响,形容为一支用来严厉惩罚重启证券化市场行为的“曲棍球棒”。
Senior bankers argue that higher capital charges will crimp lending. 资深银行家认为,更高的资本要求将会抑制贷款业务。
More striking still, the administration wants to impose a sliding scale of capital charges to "steer" behaviour. 还有更为惊人的,政府希望实施一项按比例增减的资本收费方式,以“掌控”交易行为。
Foreign banks are reluctant to provide these guarantees or other concessions being demanded because it would lead to higher capital charges, and they fear it would trigger a cascade of similar demands from banks across the world. 外资银行不愿提供这些担保或中资银行要求的其它让步,因为这会提高资本费用,而且它们担心会引发雪崩效应,导致全世界的银行都提出类似要求。
Push up the level of capital and liquidity that banks need to hold, and its cost, and banks will have to raise more capital to support lending, and increase charges to satisfy the higher returns demanded by investors stumping up the capital. 提高银行必须达到的资本及流动性水平、增加其成本,银行将不得不筹集更多资金用于放贷,同时将被迫增加收费,以满足注资者对于提高回报率的要求。
Capital charges are higher for commercial property than for homes but banks can still be seduced by the apparent stability of a real asset producing predictable cash flows. 商业房地产的资本费用高于住宅类房地产,但银行仍有可能被一处正在创造可预期现金流的房地产的表面稳定性所引诱。
There is a story that near the end of his life, Aristotle was himself brought up on capital charges, as was Socrates, due to another wave of hostility to philosophy. 而在他快临终时有个故事讲到,亚里士多德,遭到死刑控告,如同苏格拉底一般,因为另一波的反哲学斗争。
From these branded earnings, we subtract capital charges. This ensures we capture only value above and beyond what investors would require any investment in the brand to earn: the value the brand adds to the business. 从来自该品牌的利润中减去资本费用,以确保我们计算出来的价值剔除了投资者要求其在该品牌上的投资必须产生的回报,即只计算该品牌为企业增加的价值。
If banks have to lock up pools of liquidity in every national jurisdiction, their capacity for intermediating capital across borders could fall, and their charges for doing so rise, to the detriment of the world economy. 如果这些银行不得不在每个国家锁定流动资金池,它们跨境进行资金周转的能力就可能下降,而跨境进行资金周转的费用就会上升,这将不利于全球经济。
In that spirit, a good way to make some of the incentives less perverse is to impose a much bigger regulatory tax on big banks than small ones, through higher capital charges and tougher limits on leverage. 本着这样的精神,为了有效减少某些激励措施的谬误,对大型银行的监管力度应当远远大于小型银行,包括提高资本要求和设置更严格的杠杆限制。
But that will depend on future capital charges for cleared and uncleared assets and the precise structure of trading venues, which are still not known. 但这将依赖于在未来对明晰资产和非明晰资产的资本要求以及交易仓位的准确结构,而这些现在都还不明了。
We built the plant at top speed and minimun cost. Where the capital charges is the minimum acceptable rate of return. 我们以最低的投资,最高的速度修建了该工厂。这里的资金成本是指最低必要的投资报酬率。
Another proposal calls for making derivatives dealers and "other firms" which may include non-financial companies subject to capital charges against their positions. 另一项提案呼吁根据其仓位,对衍生品交易商和“其它公司”可能包括非金融公司提出资本金要求。
Firstly, VaR measures the amount of economic capital, then deduct risk charges from profits, which leads to RAPM methods. 首先可以使用VaR测度经济资本,其次运用VaR可以实现从利润中扣除风险因素后进行业绩评价,即RAPM方法,最后,VaR可以用于股东价值分析,从而据以进行战略决策。
The settlement center serving as innovative mechanism of financial management system can effectively control enterprise capital fund, reducing financial expenses and other related charges so as to improve economic efficiency. 结算中心作为财务管理系统的新机制,可以有效地控制企业的货币资金,减少财务费用,提高企业经济效益。
From the attribute of graduate education, manpower capital theory and educational cost share theory, implementing graduate tuition charges accords with the rule of educational development. 从研究生教育的属性、人力资本理论和教育成本分担理论的视角来看,实行研究生教育收费是符合教育发展规律的。
This thesis discusses that the asymptotic one-factor model have the necessary conditions which make it has the character of portfolio-invariant capital charges, and it give a method of VaR calculation that uses the loss distribution of systematic risk instead of the distribution of default loss. 讨论了采用渐进的方法的渐进单因素模型具有对工具的资本要求组合不变性的两个条件,并给出了利用系统风险的分布代替违约损失分布进行在险价值(VaR)的计算方法。
With the technical innovation, the acquisition cost of servers is trending down, while energy related cost including capital charges, operating expenses and environmental consequence is trending up. 随着技术创新,服务器的初始购置成本趋于下降,资本支出、营业费用和环境影响等的能耗相关成本却在持续上升。
Meanwhile, the sharp increasing in recruitment makes the institutes in bank loans within the shortage of capital supply, to address the infrastructure and teaching equipment investment and the high interest charges brings about a certain financial risk. 同时,高校招生规模的迅速扩张,使得高校在财政资金供给不足的情况下向银行贷款,以解决基础设施及教学设备的投入,贷款所产生的高额利息费用给高校带来了一定的财务风险。
Auditing collusion not only causes serious harm to the capital market but also charges challenge to exist and development of the auditing fields. 审计合谋在对资本市场产生深重危害的同时,也对整个审计行业的生存和发展提出了严峻挑战。